Barsebäck Barsebäcksoffensiv’s (BBOFF) position paper of June 11t 2004 on the Barsebaeck nuclear power plant’s application for an environmental permit

22. juni 2004 · Kl. 13:05 Høringssvar

Background: Pursuant to Article 3 in the Espoo-conventionTP 1 PT and Article 7 in the Directive 2001/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environmentTP 2 PT and similar Swedish provisions – chapter 6 in the Environmental Act (SFS 1998:808) and the statutory instrument (SFS 1998:905) on descriptions of environmental effects – the Danish authorities have decided that Denmark will participate in the transnational consultation process with respect to the Barsebaeck nuclear power plant’s application for an environmental permit, cf. letters March 29P thP and April 2P ndP between the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and the Danish Forest and Nature Agency, the Spatial Planning DepartmentTP 3 PT.

As a part of this consultation process BBOFF issues the following position paper on the transboundary environmental impact assessment of the Barsebaeck nuclear power plant on behalf of the following NGOs: The Danish Ecological Council, NOAH – Friends of the Earth Denmark, The Danish Society for the Conservation of Nature, The Danish Organisation for Renewable Energy, Eco-net, Nature and Youth and Copenhagen’s Environmental and Energy Office.


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